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Your Morning Routine is Bullshit

jeff clark


Excuses are like assholes, everyone has one. Your morning routine is bullshit and you know it.

You just make excuses.

Instead of waking up early, setting a schedule, and getting things done, you create an excuse and hit the snooze.

That’s why my routine is light years ahead of yours.

Knock it off with the excuses and try a new routine. Wake up early and try something new.

You want the same mediocre results in your life? Use the same mediocre routine. Enjoy being boring.

I was told by someone on LinkedIn that my morning routine was bullshit. It was mediocre and was always going to get mediocre results.

So I read The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma and let it change my life.

That’s when I realized…my morning routine was actually bullshit.

Now I wake up at 4:30 and follow this routine:

4:30 — Hit alarm, take shower, get dressed.

5:00 — Prepare coffee, breakfast

5:20–6:00 — Read

6:00–6:30 — Write (in my book, for other content, my blog, etc.)

6:30–7:00 — Engage social media, continue to write

7:00 — Post on social media (LinkedIn Video, Twitter post)

7:00–7:30 — Engage on social media, map out daily activities, review calendar.

8:00 — Ready to kick the day in the teeth.

In 4 hours i’ve accomplished more than most have. That’s why I’m going to win 2021.

All because I took my morning routine from bullshit to bulletproof.



jeff clark

12 Year Air Force Veteran. Leadership Coach, writer, content creator and contributor. Find me on LinkedIn, as well as my blog!